copper pans

How to Clean Copper Pans



Copper pans are not only functional but also add a touch of elegance to any kitchen. However, keeping them clean can be quite a task. Fear not! With the right techniques and a bit of elbow grease, you can maintain the gleam of your copper pans. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of cleaning copper pans, ensuring they remain as dazzling as the day you bought them.

Why Clean Copper Pans?

Clean copper pans offer better heat conductivity, ensuring your food cooks evenly. Moreover, they enhance the aesthetic appeal of your kitchen. Regular maintenance prevents the build-up of harmful residues, ensuring your cooking remains healthy and safe. Neglecting your copper pans can lead to tarnish, corrosion, and damage. Over time, the pans can lose their shine and become less efficient in heat distribution. In extreme cases, the corrosion could render them unusable.

Essential Supplies for Cleaning Copper Pans

You will need mild dish soap, a soft sponge or cloth, lemon, salt, baking soda, and vinegar. These basic supplies are effective for regular cleaning and light tarnish removal. For stubborn stains and heavy tarnish, consider using commercial copper cleaners. Products like Bar Keeper’s Friend or Wright’s Copper Cream can be highly effective. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using these products.

Read more: Copper Pans (Set Of 3)

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Copper Pans

Start by washing the pan with warm water and mild dish soap to remove any food residue and grease. Use a soft sponge to avoid scratching the surface. Rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth. Once the pan is clean, check for tarnish. Light tarnish appears as a dull, brownish color, while heavier tarnish looks greenish and more pronounced. This will determine the cleaning method you need to use.

For light tarnish, cut a lemon in half and dip the cut side in salt. Rub the lemon over the tarnished areas, applying gentle pressure. The acidity of the lemon combined with the abrasiveness of the salt effectively removes light tarnish. Rinse and dry the pan afterward.

Applying Vinegar and Salt

Mix equal parts of vinegar and salt to form a paste. Apply this paste to the tarnished areas using a soft cloth. Let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing gently. Rinse thoroughly and dry the pan.

Tackling Stubborn Tarnish and Stains

For heavy tarnish, use a commercial copper cleaner. Apply the cleaner according to the product instructions, usually by applying it to a cloth and rubbing it onto the tarnished areas. Rinse and dry thoroughly. For a more natural approach, mix baking soda with lemon juice to create a thick paste. Apply this paste to the stubborn stains and tarnish, and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Scrub gently with a soft cloth, rinse, and dry.

Polishing and Buffing Copper Pans

After cleaning, polish your copper pans to restore their shine. Use a specialized copper polish or a homemade solution of flour, vinegar, and salt. Apply the polish with a soft cloth, using circular motions. To achieve a mirror-like finish, buff the pan with a clean, dry cloth. This step enhances the shine and provides a protective layer against future tarnish. Regular buffing keeps your pans looking their best.

Preventive Measures to Keep Copper Pans Shiny

Clean your copper pans regularly to prevent tarnish build-up. A quick wipe with a vinegar-soaked cloth after each use can help maintain their shine. Avoid letting food sit in the pans for too long. Store your copper pans in a dry, cool place. Avoid stacking them with other metal pans, as this can cause scratches. Using pan protectors or soft cloths between pans can prevent damage.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Copper Pans

Avoid using steel wool or other harsh abrasives, as they can scratch and damage the copper surface. Stick to soft sponges and cloths for cleaning. Many copper pans are lined with stainless steel or tin. Be mindful of this lining when cleaning and avoid using acidic cleaners on it. Focus on the copper exterior. Polishing is crucial for maintaining the shine and protective layer of your copper pans. Skipping this step can lead to quicker tarnishing and dullness.


Keeping your copper pans clean and shiny doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right supplies and a little know-how, you can easily maintain their brilliance. Regular cleaning, polishing, and proper storage will ensure your copper pans remain a prized possession in your kitchen for years to come. Happy cooking!


Q1: Can I put my copper pans in the dishwasher?
A1: No, it’s best to avoid putting copper pans in the dishwasher. The harsh detergents and high heat can damage the copper and its lining. Hand washing is recommended.

Q2: How often should I polish my copper pans?
A2: Polishing your copper pans every few months should suffice. If you use them frequently, you might need to polish them more often to maintain their shine.

Q3: Is it safe to use commercial copper cleaners?
A3: Yes, commercial copper cleaners are safe when used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure you rinse thoroughly to remove any residue.

Q4: Can I use lemon juice alone to clean my copper pans?
A4: Lemon juice alone can be effective for light tarnish. However, combining it with salt enhances its cleaning power, especially for more stubborn tarnish.

Q5: What should I do if my copper pan has a stainless steel or tin lining?
A5: Be cautious when cleaning lined copper pans. Avoid using acidic cleaners on the lining and focus on cleaning the copper exterior.

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